Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just before Jason lost his job we decided to get a new home for our dog Zahn... he needed more excersize than we could give him, and more room to grow... he now lives on a horse farm on the outskirts of Holland with a great family that has two kids and one on the way and everything is going well... we are able to visit him so that is a plus, but he still is missed...

Jaydin's uncle David has a lightsaber that lights up and makes noises... everytime the noise goes off Jaydin will dance to it... David challenged Jaydin to his first lightsaber dual... lets just Jedi knight is not in Jaydin's future :)

we took the kids to the mall one day because we still had 4 hours to kill before bedtime and had run out of ideas of things to do ... Jaydin kept going through the tunnel and turning around and coming out the other end... Paige rallied up a few girls and dictated what they were going to do and how to do it for an hour :)

David rocked Jaydin to sleep in his toy box.
Jaydin likes to just pop up behind out table by the couches, and Paige just likes to be in pictures... they are goofballs :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

instead of carving pumpkins we had David and Jenni over and decorated cookies... mummies (actually used a ginger bread man cookie cutter but it worked) and pumpkins :)

Jaydin now had 6 teeth and i think he is teething again already.

instead of trick-or-treating this year we went to a few "treats from trunks" events and to Kalee and Kristi's (Jaon's sisters) dorm at Cornerstone College, they decorated the main halls in a few dorms... there's was a carnival theme where you got to play games for tickets...
this dorm had a "Finding Nemo" theme and this was the Jellyfish Fields :) ... theirs was really cute all around.

i made this octopus costume for Paige this year, and i got Jaydin's costume for $2.50 last year at Toys 'r us so i had to use it :)

We got invited to a birthday party at BOUNCE PARTY... i think it was more fun for Jason than most of the lil kids there... not Paige though, she was having a BLAST!

a few weeks ago we went to Fred. Meijer Gardens with Jasons father, stepmom and sister Madison. It was a little cold and the sculpture park has some strange things that i wouldn't consider art, but what do i know? :)

the orchids were beautiful.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Paige at a 'splash bash' at David and Jenni's school

Jason's mom sat on the floor with JD and started rubbing his legs ... he stayed there for over 5 minutes and about three minutes in he flipped from his side to his belly so she would rub the backs of his legs too ... it was so funny because he was still, quiet and relaxed for longer than i've ever seen him be.
like father like son ...
he fell asleep drinking his bottle :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jaydin LOVES to be on our bed, but whenever he is he just wants to roll, roll, roll... but it keeps him VERY happy :) i can't believe that he is already 8.5 months old!!! he just got three teeth in on top so he has been a VERY fussy baby, but when he is around other people he seems to be happier, go figure... so no one ever believes me when i say he is crabby.
he's just the cutest bug
Paige just got done watching 'Sleeping Beauty' and all she wanted to do was dance and sing.. so here she is singing and dancing with her prince Jaydin... little did she know...
he was gonna lay a big ole kiss on her ...
and that he would do it again :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

so we haven't really been doing too much this summer... Jason has been stuck at work with not much time off and no chance of vacation anytime soon because of the verizon/alltel merger ... jason decided to "surprise" me by getting tattoos while i was in washington... they are actually size of each of the kids footprints after they were born... he is proud to sport them
paige LOVES her lil brother... especially now that she decided that she could pick him up whenever she wants... we were at my inlaws and looked over and she was holding him upside down by his ankles... jaydin was just smiling and happy.... but we were all a lil scared :)
it has only taken a few weeks, but he started rocking on his knees and two days ago he SCOOTED!!!! went from the couch into the playroom to get to the weebles castle ... it is so cute to watch, and after refusing to roll for the last two months he is rolling back and forth and ALL OVER the place, there is no stopping him now...
the first time he went to the beach :) well he was a sandy, but holland beach... he sat in the sand playing with a shovel for a while and then a handful of sand went in the mouth, and a few minutes later 2 fistfuls of sand went in the mouth... that is when we went in the water and he LOVES to splash!!
the FIRST thing paige does when we get to the beach (every time) is get herself buried in the sand... David (jason's brother) buried Jaydin's feet after he buried paige, and jaydin didnt seem to be bothered by it...
he loves the water...
Paige is now infatuated with feeding Jaydin, anything she eats she tries to give Jaydin some... i think he is catching on because everytime we eat he whines like it is so unfair if he doesnt get a taste... he loves cherrios and puffs right now... and he is feeding himself which is very cute...
jaydin "reading" his book :)
hopefully it won't be too much longer before i post again :) hope everyone is having a great summer.