Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sorry the post took so long, but i have been just
a little busy :)  Here are a few pictures of
Paige on her birthday.  She turned 4 on Jan 21.
We didnt do anything special because we had
a lot going on, so maybe next year :)

Here is Jaydin and our great dane Zahn.  As you
can see, Zahn doesnt really care that Jaydin
even exists, except for the fact that he is stealing
all of his attention time.  Zahn has been getting
into everything, especailly trying to steal bottles
and pacifiers (i think he is a little jealous)
Paige was helping out while i got a few things
picked up in our bedroom, she likes to help,
but most of the time she only does it 
on her terms :)
he is VERY sleepy some days, and others he is
very alert and LOVES to be held 

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