Tuesday, April 28, 2009

we went to the GR Museum a few weeks ago and it was exactly the same as it was when me and jay went there when we were kids... the only reason we went was for the dinosaur exhibit because paige thinks they are cool.
Paige making a very cute a photo opportunity :)
Paige drew a dinosaur... i drew it with my finger on the chalkboard and she traced it, but it is still good 
chillin in the tub
our computer is so cool, in our picture program we can retouch/BLUR out parts that we dont want to see.  FOr instance, JD's lil baby boy parts and believe it or not, paige had chocolate all over her face before i touched it up :)  i think its pretty cool.

Jaydins first shoulder ride
Jaydin is still proudly sucking his thumb :)  and it is still very cute.
Jasons sister sarah tried out some spray hair gel out on Jaydin and we gave him a lil mowhawk, it is  a lil curly though :)

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