Friday, January 2, 2009


Here he is... Jaydin Ryan Taylor!  he was born at St. Mary's
at 5:49 PM January 1,2009
height of 21.5" and weight 8lbs. 5 oz.
He wanted to come out looking at the world, so 
he had to be delivered by c-section.
Paige was excited to see her little brother, she even
got to see his first bath, and she couldn't help but
let us know repeatedly that he has a pee pee :)
the first night was not too bad, he slept a lot and had
to be woken up to eat.  i on the other had did not have
the greatest sleep schedule, and the anesthetics made me
very very itchy so it was hard to stay sleeping.
Mom came and helped me out because Jason had to go to a 
mandatory work meeting and fix our Blazer, it was a good thing
too because it took a lot for me to get out of bed.
the pain is a little worse, but at least i can get up and 
move around tonight... as you can see he is a cute little 
man :) hope you all enjoyed these pix, i will get more soon
from mom and dads camera of his bath and what not.

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