Wednesday, January 7, 2009

not the best day

so it has not been the best day... late last night i got a 
fever of 104 and had to go the the ER.  I have got a
bladder infection along with an infection in my uterus
so i have to stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours 
fever free and they are pumping me full of antibiotics
as i type... my mom has got the baby (she prolly does
not miss that part of her life, even though Jaydin
is a pretty good baby so far) and Paige is with the in-laws
again and the dog is still with the grand parents...
just thought i would keep everyone updated and
hopefully i will be able to get out of here soon :)
Although i am catching up on a little lost sleep due
to the late night feedings.

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